The Tree
If you have been following along here since the start, well, thank you.
But that also means you know about Spencer's tree. For those of you that have not, or might have missed a few, no worries.
The brief of it is that when Spencer passed, we used a living urn and buried some of him with a Fire Maple tree in our yard. So he could always be with us, we could watch him grown and he could be a part of the family chaos.
We chose the specific maple because in fall it turns red, and from the start we knew Spencer had red hair.
When the tree would turn red, it would be like a big 'Hi-I'm here' for us. Silly, but it mattered.
Well- It's fall here and Spencer's tree is bursting with color!!
Family Love
It really does feel like a 'Hi Guys! I'm here and I'm Ok'
Knowing we will get this little color show from him every year is just a nice comfort, a nice acknowledgement of a part of his persona we don't get to see in his red hair anymore.
Our Spencer tree is the best thing we could have done, and it matters so very much to us.