A Tree Grows but can it Move?
What do you do when the remains of your child are planted in the roots of a tree, and you realize, you might need to move? You panic and then try to plan.
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Mental Health
Mental Health- it is not just a buzzword, trend, hashtag, meme. It is an important piece of every single persons overall health and well being.
New Beginnings
I’ve written about this before in a ‘what if’ context. But, here it is. A reality of starting a new job.
They ask a few personal questions, the basic get to know you, easy, right?
One million, seventy-one thousand, two hundred minutes.
Not quite the same ring to it as five-hundred twenty-five thousand, six-hundred minutes.
But that is how many minutes are in 2 years. And that is how long Spencer has been gone.