Ode to a Carseat
One of the most researched decisions parents make when finding out they are having a kid.
One of the first big items that make it real. When you turn around and there it is in your car, all THERE.
For us, the carseat we chose when we found out we were pregnant with Kenzie was a @Cybex_global. The European based company had safety standards above that of the U.S. and at the time, with our small car and living in the city, the side impact safety features and the support leg were added must haves.
That infant carrier has been through it. It was tested from day one. When it was time to bring Kenzie home, she had to pass a ‘carseat test’ meaning she had to successfully keep her oxygen levels within a certain range, while strapped into the carseat, for an hour. This was because of her throat issues. They wanted to be sure if she hated the car and screamed bloody murder, she would still be ok.
So, we strapped her in, and watched, for an hour, in her NICU room. We had to start over at least once (yes they allow it, but only like twice) we were on her last chance and could see the finish line. She started to get upset, so I sat next to her, on the floor and told her stories.
DONE- we passed. We could take her home, snug in her Cybex.
With Spencer, the Cybex sat in the corner of his NICU room for weeks. Each time we got close to going home, it was there, ready for him to pass the carseat test and to be carried out, with him in it.
But, that didn’t happen. Instead, the carseat was carried out, empty, on the day we said goodbye. It felt like a million pounds. Carrying that carseat out of the hospital without him is an image seared into my brain. Everyone milling around the entrance, coming and going, pregnant women checking in to labor and delivery behind us, other parents waiting at the front door for their cars to pull around to load their precious cargo. It was the longest walk of our lives. Carrying that seat, loading into our new family car, staring back at it, empty.
We were lucky though. We had Emerson, and once again the Cybex made the trek into the hospital with us. This was during lockdown and the nerves and overall anxiety between Covid and Spencer had everyone uneasy.
But hardly 48hours after walking in, we were walking out, with Emerson sung in his carseat. Safe from the world and coming home.
Last night, the Cybex made its final trip with us. Emerson is too big and as of this morning is officially in his big kid seat. But taking the Cybex out was like losing some part of the family. I mean, it is a carseat. But it has been through so much, protected so much, it was in the room when we said goodbye to Spencer.
So, Cybex, thanks for doing your job. Thanks for keeping my kids who made it home safe, thanks for being part of our journey.
On to the next chapter.