Make it Permanent
Those of you that know me, may not know I have 3 tattoos.
2 done in college that I look back on and love, but laugh.
1 done before Kenzie was born, that I love and laugh at simply for the fact that I fell asleep getting it.
Well, as of yesterday, make that total 4.
The latest is in honor of my little man.
The giraffes will aways remind me of him. Giraffes were the decal animals we had chosen to put on his nursery wall.
They were the animals on the going home outfit we had chosen from him, it was the stuffed animal we had chosen for Kenzie to give to him as a welcome to the family gift.
It was-without any prior knowledge, my husbands Aunt and Uncle chose for the book they gave us when Spencer was born.
And in his last days, the bed he was on was called a giraffe warmer.
Giraffes will always remind me of him and now, they help me remind others too.
...I added the number 43. The number of days old he was.
Might seem odd to want that number on me, but everyday the doctors did rounds and would start with 'This is Spencer, day of life X' so on his last day they started with 'This is baby boy, Spencer, day of life 43...' and we knew that would be the last day they ever said for him.
The 43 reminds me of that day, but it also reminds me of the doctors coming in each morning and telling us all about Spencer. Hugging us on hard days, informing us of everything and anything so we could make the best decisions, being there for us and for Spencer.
Those doctors and nurses deserved a place with him forever too, and that is what the 43 is for me. The extra nod and permanent thank you to the people who cared for our son for all of his 43 days.
My Spencer Giraffes....