The weight of Roe

You all know by now, Spencer’s medical conditions were not ones you would find in any standard pregnancy genetic screens.

Even in advanced screenings, they wouldn’t show unless specifically testing for them, which we had no reason to do.

My pregnancy was textbook, to the end.

But as we learned about his conditions, the rareness of them collectively, the fact that the versions he had were the rarest of the rare and had he had the more common (still rare) version of either of his major conditions, the genetic testing would have told us.

We would have been told his life expectancy, his difficulties, the likelihood of him making it an hour, a day, a week.

We would have been asked about decisions well before he was born.

Decisions the Supreme court is now trying to take away from millions.

Instead, we made decisions from the second he was born, to the second he passed away.

You see, once he was born, he was our charge, we would know best, we would make the best decisions, we could make all the decisions we wanted.

Including decisions around letting him go.

So, while pregnant SCOTUS wants to tell us our fetuses matter more than us, and our fetuses have more rights than us, and we have very limited if any rights to make decisions around them. Once that fetus is a born child, then by all means. Decide away.

This is not about the fetus, or unborn children, this is about control, keeping people in poverty, forcing religious beliefs on anyone and everyone, keeping themselves in power and making it harder and harder for anyone else, especially child bearing citizens, to be full autonomous humans.

Had we known about Spencer’s conditions and had the info during pregnancy-living in the state I live in- would have saved our lives- in that we could have made decisions. I can’t say what those decisions would have been, because it wasn’t our truth, but just the fact that those decisions would have been ours to make, would have meant the world.

I will not sit back and watch the disgusting power grabbing BS of the current Republican party steamroll over those of us who don’t agree.

69% of this country supports Roe

The 50 Democrats in senate represents over 40+ Millions MORE people than the 50 Republicans

The GOP hasn’t represented a majority since 1996

The time for us to have representation that actually represents this countries wants, is well past due.






It’s that day again