The Deer
Not long after Spencer passed we had 2 deer born in the yard next door.
The house has no one in it, so the yard, at the time, resembled a meadow. We took the new baby siblings as a sign of comfort.
We would watch out for mom, and her visits. Watching them grow from babies who hid all day to kids playing while mom was away.
It was oddly nice, somehow felt like it was a sign Spencer was ok.
Well, this past Friday night my husband heard a scream and ran into the yard. Just in time to see a coyote attacking one of the deer!! Luckily my husband ran it off. But it was clear the deer was injured.
It was late and I came out to inspect with him. We saw no sign of blood on the ground or anything, and felt better.
But the next day my husband hopped into the yard and the deer clearly had a broken leg, or knee issue. Its knee is huge, and it's foot on that back leg is not at the right direction or angle.
Hard to see- but look at his back leg 'knee' the right is normal, the left is huge and it's foot isn't touching the ground
I immediately called a local wildlife refuge. But they aren't sure they can help. It says babies who are injured can usually be helped and rehabilitated, but not always and it can be difficult.
I am hoping they can do something.
We saw the baby today- curled up in a very protected spot in the yard, and we have seen mom out there with it. But, it looks like either it's sibling is super-hiding or is no longer in the yard.
It feels like a personal attack. We had these siblings next door- growing up together, learning to play, and now one is hurt. He is stuck inside the fenced yard while his sibling grows and learns. This one might be left behind eventually or might not make it if we have another evil visitor. The siblings are now on different paths.
I know, I'm reading a lot into some wild deer, but it is what it is. It hurts and it sucks.
The hardest thing is the deer seemed days away from finally leaving the yard. A yard that had been safe for so long. They were ready to grow up.
I am hoping the rescue can still help. Maybe the deer can't be rehabilitated into the wild, but maybe it can still grow up somewhere safe, and maybe it can heal.
Because, honestly, I am not sure I see it making it as it is. And my heart can not handle the unfairness of it. My grief can't take another loss. Not for that deer mom and for this one or it's sibling.
I don't know why we felt like the deer were a sign things were ok for Spencer, but we did and now they aren't and I feel like racing to fix it just to feel like I made it, him, better again. Or gave him a shot. Or something ridiculous. Now the universe is cruel again, and if I see that damn coyote- I won't care about it's mom or family, I will make sure it knows to stay the hell away from my family!!
Here is hoping for something good. Because, today, I need it.
**UPDATE: Flint Creek wants to help- but need permission from the property owners. I used FB, google and a whole bunch of others to find contact info. They were glad to hear we wanted to help and seem on board. Now just waiting for them to email flint creek to let them help! ***Please let this work out***
New Update 1:50pm:
*Update: Flint Creek Wildlife Rehabilitation will be at the house today. If the deer can jump the fence around the property- they will leave it, because it should be able to make it with three legs working well. But they will attempt to rescue if they can.* Honestly I hope it can live without needing to be taken anywhere so mom and family can stay close, but we need to make sure it can survive the way it is. #DeerDrama