Cell Phone and Memories
So...it's that time.
The time when my phone starts to work slowly, photos start looking fuzzy, the battery drains too fast.
You know. It's just a few months til my phone is due to be replaced so it starts acting like crap just in case you were planning to hold onto it longer than the contract?!
Well, I'm getting a little sentimental about it.
I got this phone a few months after Kenzie was born, and it was the phone I had through my pregnancy and everything after with Spencer. It was a part of that journey. It is the one device I took photos on, the one device that took the only video we will ever have of Spencer.
Now, I have backed everything up in the cloud, and my husband has everything, and most of my family have all of it too. I even made my husband put it all on a flash drive for added security that it wasn't going anywhere.
But, for some reason, giving up my phone feels like giving up something that was there for it all.
I have no plans to trade it in or anything, so I will still have it and everything on it, but it still feels uncomfortable. Uneasy. Like I'm moving on with something when I shouldn't be ready too.
I know- it's a phone. Seriously. But in these instances you have no say in how you feel about it, and I feel unsettled knowing it's time and that my new phone, while I can transfer all my images to it as soon as possible, won't be the device that actually took those images.
So, I guess, I should thank my trusty Samsung for holding out for me as long as it did. For taking all the photos it did, for letting me take that one precious video. You served us well, but now, it's time for something new and hopefully that something new will have a battery long enough for my train ride.